Guide to do mission Follow CoinSavi's official social media channels

CoinSavi 19/08/2024 - 14:39 PM

You will receive: 0.5 SAVI tokens on July 9, 2024 when completing this task

Note: If you did finish the same mission before, you are not allow to do this mission.

Step 1: Go to this website Click the Execute button at the task Follow CoinSavi’s official social media channels

Step 2: You will be forwarded to the Gleam tasks page.

Step 3: Log in your name, email, and especially your coinsavi email.

Step 4: Click follow Twitter CoinSavi.

Step 6: Go to CoinSavi’s facebook group

Step 7: Go to CoinSavi’s Telegram group

Step 7: Go to CoinSavi’s Global group

Step 8: Twite 1 Twitter according to the template.

Step 9: Retweet 1 CoinSavi Twitter

After you have completed these tasks, press the Claim button on Gleam and the system has recorded your completion. CoinSavi will pay rewards on July 7, 2024.

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