To meet the conditions of the “Refer 3 New Friends Bonus Get Up to 8 SAVI” Pool, you need to successfully invite 03 friends and they complete their first mining session. You will receive a maximum of 8 SAVI when the pool ends.
Pool Reward Mechanism
If you meet the pool conditions, the SAVI bonus you will receive is calculated by dividing the total SAVI in the pool (50,000 SAVI) by the number of eligible participants, up to 8 SAVI per person.
Pool Lifetime
Pool Start: 10:00 16/07/2024
Pool End: 23:59 31/07/2024
Steps to Join the Pool
1/ Create an account at CoinSavi
Step 1: Register a CoinSavi account if you do not have one
2/ Complete the Pool Conditions
Step 1: Access the CoinSavi app, click on Rewards
Step 2: Click on the “Referral Bonus for 3 New Friends” pool
Step 3: Click on the 0/2 Complete button to view and complete the pool conditions.
Invite 03 friends to register for a CoinSavi account
See more: Instructions for inviting friends
Invite 03 new friends to perform the first SAVI token mining session.
Step 4: After completing the conditions, the Status will display as Satisfied
Step 5: The system will count the number of people who meet the conditions and calculate the reward, and filter out accounts that show signs of violating CoinSavi’s policies.
Step 6: Receive the reward.
Copy accounts, non-real accounts are not accepted: Accounts that are identified by our system as copies of other accounts or are not real will not be used to calculate commissions.
CoinSavi has the final decision in all matters arising: CoinSavi has the right to remove or reward commissions for specific cases and change the referral program as well as the total prize at any time
The pool may end earlier than the specified date
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